Are you renting from Aperturent for the first time or are you a pro who's been with us for years? No matter who you are, we've got your back. We've put together a list to help make renting photo and video equipment a little less stressful. At Aperturent, we're all about community and we want to see you succeed. So be sure to keep checking this list as you continue to rent with us!
- Double check for necessary accessories - Each item on the site is rented individually. The product overview section on each product will tell you what is and isn't included in the rental. Double check that you have all of the necessary accessories in your cart before checkout. Commonly overlooked accessories are lenses for a camera, compatible memory cards, card reader and extra batteries.
- Check for camera body + lens mount compatibility - When renting lenses or camera bodies, it's important to know if the items are compatible with each other. Factors to consider are full frame vs crop cameras and the camera/lens mounts. Some lenses are only designed to work with crop sensor cameras, and are therefore not compatible with full frame cameras. On the other hand, some lenses are a specific mount and will not work with cameras that have a different mount entirely.
- Camera body + memory card compatibility - When renting memory cards, it's crucial to know what type your camera needs, as every camera is different. Several new types of memory cards are out on the market now, so be sure to see what card your camera supports. You will also need to consider the memory card reader so you can download and backup your work!
- Consider the length of your shoot and the battery life of the items you are renting - Some cameras and lights have shorter battery life than others. Double check that you have enough batteries and a reliable way to charge them.
- Test the equipment - Be sure to test all of your equipment within the 3-hour timeframe specified by our rental agreement. In the event that something isn't working properly, we can help you troubleshoot or swap equipment before you have to use it. If you are working with something for the first time we highly recommend testing your gear in our lobby before you leave.
- Check the date and time on your camera(s) - Setting the date and time on your camera can help you during the media offloading process as it will keep your work in the same order that you shot it in. If you are working with multiple cameras or other photographers, it is especially important to stay organized and date/time stamped!
- What file formats will you need? We clear camera settings between rentals and often times they default to a standard JPG. Will you need to shoot in RAW or RAW+JPG? Remembering to set your file format before your shoot can reduce a lot of stress and worry.
- All things lighting - Do you need additional light for your shoot? Will you need additional support for those lights like a c-stand or light stand? Any additional accessories like an umbrella bracket, modifier, or triggers for off camera flash/strobes?
- Consider additional cables - If you are using video lights and plan to use power outlets at the filming location, we recommend adding a 50’ stinger. It is a small thing that can make a huge difference, as often times promised AC power at a venue can be taken up by another team, or any given outlet might not be functional. If you are renting V-mount batteries to power your camera, double check that you have the correct d-tap cable.
- Are you traveling? If you’re flying on an airplane, you may want to add a carry on case to your order. Our Peak Design Backpacks and Travel Tripod also make for easy packing and travel on a trip, at a wedding, event or just keeping your gear organized for a shoot.
- And lastly don’t leave equipment in your car - We know it’s not easy traveling with equipment to and from shoots but don’t leave your Aperturent box and/or any equipment visible to other people in your car. Always be sure to keep an eye on your equipment when you're out!